Spiced banana walnut bread layered with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, etc. I love baking this dish because of the way it perfumes the house from the oven. Builds anticipation for that very first bite! Be sure to use very ripe yellow black bananas for the most powerful flavor.
In the same vein, Prof. Haki Madhubuti work is impactful at all stages of his process. He is a poet, publisher & an architect of the Black Arts Movement. He has published 30+ books (some under his former name, Don L. Lee) & is one of the world’s best-selling authors of poetry and non-fiction. Prof. Madhubuti founded Third World Press in 1967, and is a founder of the Institute of Positive Education/New Concept School (1969), and a cofounder of Betty Shabazz International Charter School and Barbara A. Sizemore Middle School. His latest book, Taught By Women: Poems as Resistance Language, New and Selected (2020), pays homage to an array of women who have influenced him and contributed to his five-decade career of publishing Black writers and contributing to a strong Black literary tradition.